Welcome to
Right 2 Wellness!
I’m Justyna - a board certified holistic health practitioner, certified functional nutrition specialist and wellness consultant dedicated to helping you resolve nagging chronic health conditions. I’m passionate about helping busy health minded professionals achieve optimal wellness using noninvasive natural modalities. I believe that the body naturally wants to be well and has the ability to reach balance with the right tools and guidance. I specialize in symptoms of chronic debilitating fatigue and mental dysfunction. Together, we’ll optimize and upgrade your health so you can perform your very best!
About Right 2 Wellness
I take a functional approach to addressing your health needs!
What is the difference between a functional and conventional approach to health?

Functional Medicine
Uncovers root causes of your health issues (there are always more than one cause of disease)
Does not treat every body system as a separate unit, instead as an interconnected whole unit that has the ability to self-heal once interferences have been removed and it’s replenished with what’s lacking
Personalized care as we all have unique needs, genetics and health history
Preventative care
Cutting edge - 21st century approach to maintaining health
Conventional Healthcare
Acute care and emergency interventions
Symptom management for long term chronic care without actually addressing root causes and healing
Quick fixes to mask the symptoms
Every patient is treated the same
Conventional - treating diseases the same way today as 10-20 years ago

Nourish Your Body & Soul
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